suggest me any kind of media maybe i Might look into it but thats proabably unlikely as im forgetful about stuff most of the time + there are posts abt stuff i say with typos because of fast typing

i do not have a dni ❌ if i find u annoying or weird, i will just block u 

hi my name archive or arc or arch or vii idk

• uhh bday 9/15 + any prns + i like to read? not sure + i like rting stuff i find cool + FUB free

•  i draw occasionally though i think thats not really important

current favs that ruin my brain probably on a daily basis . i do have other favs these are just the ones that are noteable

added with shame i feel like digging my own grave

[games i play and have current interest on] limbus company, lovebrush chronicles/for all time and idolish7

[other stuff i mostly like] lord of the mysteries, i became a god in a horror game, mahoyaku, zeno remake

i fw a lot with banyuki (i7), fukia (hi3) ritsumika, keichi (enst), monklein, and hongsang (lcb) idk

im okay with icon/header use but make sure to credit . please ask me about reposting (or if you r reposting and you actually end up crediting/linking source of the original art, then ur approved) . making profit off of my art is obviously prohibited

Iron Lotus
